Why We Celebrate Nobel Prizes
In case you didn’t see it yet, the internet is exploding over the the three Jewish chemists (two of whom are Israeli), whose names were added to the rolls of Nobel Laureates earlier today. Arieh...
View ArticlePhilip Roth, Master of Deception
For full coverage of Philip Roth’s Nobel Prize, please click here. Talk about the perfect retirement gift. Less than a year ago, Philip Roth declared that his career as a novelist was over: “I’m free,”...
View ArticleIn Israel, September is Nobel Prize Prediction Season
September is perhaps the most underrated month of the entire year. It can be easy to forget that most of September courses through summer—and by “summer,” I refer not to the sweaty, cloying humidity...
View ArticleThis Week on Unorthodox, Author Eric Weiner and Oxford English Dictionary...
This week on Unorthodox: Israeli settlers and Palestinians work together … to grow marijuana. Our Jewish guest is Eric Weiner, former NPR Jerusalem bureau chief and author of the new book The Geography...
View ArticleBob Dylan: The Right and Rightful Choice for the Nobel Prize in Literature
The streak is broken. This week, the Nobel Prize Committee awarded its prize in literature to an American writer for the first time since Toni Morrison in 1993. It was not Philip Roth, who has long...
View ArticleWhy We Celebrate Nobel Prizes
In case you didn’t see it yet, the internet is exploding over the the three Jewish chemists (two of whom are Israeli), whose names were added to the rolls of Nobel Laureates earlier today. Arieh...
View ArticlePhilip Roth, Master of Deception
For full coverage of Philip Roth’s Nobel Prize, please click here. Talk about the perfect retirement gift. Less than a year ago, Philip Roth declared that his career as a novelist was over: “I’m free,”...
View ArticleIn Israel, September is Nobel Season
September is perhaps the most underrated month of the entire year. It can be easy to forget that most of September courses through summer—and by “summer,” I refer not to the sweaty, cloying humidity...
View ArticleGenius Bar
This week on Unorthodox: Israeli settlers and Palestinians work together … to grow marijuana. Our Jewish guest is Eric Weiner, former NPR Jerusalem bureau chief and author of the new book The Geography...
View ArticleThe Right and Rightful Choice
The streak is broken. This week, the Nobel Prize Committee awarded its prize in literature to an American writer for the first time since Toni Morrison in 1993. It was not Philip Roth, who has long...
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